Reflections 69336.4: Easy Way to Evaluate Marketing

Marketing on the web should be considered the primary focus for every individual and/or organization selling a product and/or service (product). One could have the most efficient manufacturing process offering the best cost-effective product price and later go out of business. This primarily is due to the lack of customer awareness (promotion) and sales support. Marketing involves both promotion and sales. How does promoting one business product help with sales?

The previous articles discuss an easy way to market a company found here and then continued here. However, the importance of promoting ones product allows consumers to be aware the existence of the product. Online marketing offers the introduction of the product and influence consumers compelling reasons why to purchase from them. In order to promote a product online, certain marketing campaigns using “keywords” (key phrases) must be used. However, which campaign brings the greater awareness of a product or which of the keywords is most effective in bringing consumers to the site?

Recently, I spoke with a person who was relieved when his agreement was completed with a marketing company. They took $7,000 of his money to place his product on the first page of search engines. Interestingly, he received one call over a twelve-month period though the marketing company successfully placed his product on the first page of the search engines. What could have caused this? Poor product? No, it is a great product. To costly of a product? No, it is one of the lowest in comparison to other products. Poor quality? No, the product testing rated higher than most other competitive products. The cause? The keywords did not focus on the market segment that would have attracted interested consumers.

It is essential to evaluate, at least weekly, how one’s marketing campaign is attracting consumers to one’s site. This can be accomplished by enabling a tracking mechanism on the website. For example, registering for a free google analytic account will track consumer site visits by browser, device type, page visits, and geographic location. The volumes of data that can be collected may seem tedious at first when evaluating the data. However, the data can become easier when one asks certain questions prior. For instance, how many visitors visited a particular webpage based on this campaign advertisement? Looking over the date will show that either one has a high or low concentration of site visitors. High concentration of site visitors with low sales can represent that the advertisement is attracting the wrong consumer. Low concentration of site visitors can represent that the advertisement is targeted to the wrong consumer. Evaluating the data will help the individual or company adjust their marketing advertisements reach the best type of consumer to the companies best product.

Here is some relevant articles relating to AdWords and Analytics by Google. These are an example of what one may use and not limited to using only Google products. However, due to the ease of using both Adwords and Analytics by Google, the references are included in this article.

Improving your Ad Quality.

Landing page experience.

Getting started with Analytics.

Set up the web tracking code.

Link Google Analytics with AdWords.

Please share your thoughts, experiences, and lessons learned when analyzing one’s marketing segment on the web.


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